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1942 French Creek School Students
Teacher: Miss Marguerite Dick
B1 - Chuck Olson
B2 - Arnie Erickson
B3 - Bob Mawhinney
B4 - Florence Bailey
B5 - Margaret Sharkey
B6 - Betty-Lou Mawhinney
B7 - Arlette Terrien
M1 - Toni Hlek
M2 - Margaret Oakes
M3 - Anne Bowman
M4 - Jean Oakes
M5 - Ethel Moore
M6 - Pat Sharkey
M7 - Lorraine Erickson
M8 - Betty Topliffe
F1 - Leonard Pera
F2 - Harry Lewis
F3 - Norman Oakes
F4 - Claude Parnell
F5 - Billy Yirrell
Arnie Van Horne
David Van Horne
Peggy (Felicia) Van Horne
Dick Ran Horne
Ruth (Terry) Van Horne

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