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1946 French Creek School Students

Division 1

Teacher:  Mr. C.R. Sissons

B1 - Jack Miller

B2 - Leo Agesen

B3 - Terry Thompson

B4 - Bill Hawkes

B5 - John Brittain

B6 - William Prosser

B7 - Harold Brittain

B8 - Darwin Bjornson

MB1 - Norman Oakes

MB2 - Leonard Pera

MB3 - Darlene Bjornson

MB4 - Jean Bedwell

MB5 - Sonja Bjornson

MB6 - Ages Wyper

MB7 - Grace Johnson

MB8 - Harry Lewis

MB9 - Donald Brooks

MF1 - Lorraine Crowe

MF2 - Marvel Bjornson

MF3 - Jean Oakes

MF4 - 

MF5 - Roberta Clinton

MF6 - Margaret Oakes

MF7 - Maxine Williams

MF8 - Nora Hawkes

MF9 - Elaine Thompson

F1 - Arthur Brooks


Robert Forst

Joyce Johnston

Ruth (Terry) Van Horne

1946 Div1.jpg

Division 2

Teacher: Mrs. Lenora Armstrong

B1 - Grace Allen

B2 - Rusty Ward

B3 - Weston Cox

B4 - Eddie Herrod

B5 - Don Brittain

B6 - Terry Gurney

B7 - Mervin Brooks

B8 - Gary Lossette

B9 -  Jerry Van Horne

M1 - Julia Agesen

M2 - Sylvia Johnston

M3 - Shirley Hambleton

M4 - Janis Terrien

M5 - Maxine Cox

M6 - Evelyn Valentine

M7 - Ted Lewis

M8 - Leslie Johnston

M9 - Arnold Valentine

F1 - Dorothy Oakes

F2 - Vera Fabrick

F3 - Noel Van Horne

F4 - Mary Agesen

F5 - Annette Neden

F6 - Jean Topliffe

F7 - Sharon Lewis

F8 - Great Herrod

F9 - Rosalie Slasor


Bernard Gurney

1946 Div 2.jpg

2019 - site created by Coombs History Project

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