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1962 French Creek School Students

Division 3

Teacher:  Mrs. Evans

B1 Holly Lantikow

B2 Fred Fredrickson

B3 Mike Key

B4 Melvin Clarke

B5 Bary Sedun

B6 Mike Russell

B7 Bob Hollman

B8 Bill Van Duin

B9 John Chaffin

B10 Kenny Sedun

B11 Sandra Gailing

M1 Lene Norgaard

M2 Diane Van Horne

M3 Kay Britton

M5 Barbara Green

M6 Janet Tinkahm

M7 Juanita Knight

M8 Joanne Finnegan

M9 Georgia Ward

F1 Hansan Baines

F2 Jens Norgaard

F3 Les Wheaton

F4 Darrell Grasser

F5 Nick Laktin

F6 Jim Parsons

F7 Ernie Hollman

F8 Lavern Grasser

F9 Ronald Smith


Randy Knorr

Leonard Krog

Laurie Williams

Valerie Allan

Wendy Gorenko

1962 Div 3.jpg

Division 2

Teacher:  Enid R. Robson

M5 Joanne Tinkham

M6 Dianne Green

M7 Yvonne Knight

F1 Peter Scheibel

F2 Douglas Hollman

F3 Gordon Bailey

F4 Pat Key

F5 Gordon Clarke

F6 Chris Hansen

F7 John Reimer


Joyce Gailling

B1 Clarence Lang

B2 Bonnie Campbell

B3 Jeanne Tinkham

B4 Darlene Grasser

B5 Shrley Fredrickson

B6 Kathy Parsons

B7 Cheryl Knorr

B8 Louise Agesen

B9 Ken George

M1 Irene Knight

M2 Ricki Hill

M3 Berna Olenick

M4 Cecilia Knight

1962 Div 2.jpg

Division 1

Teacher: Norma A.M. Antrim

F1 Gay Potovinikoff

F2 Dwight Unrau

F3 Gary Hogg

F4 Billy MacDonald

F5 Glenn Raper

F6 Rodney Fraser

F7 larry Rezansoff

F8 Sandy Munroe


Donald Kreller

Patsy Gailling

Mike Korsa

Jean Gailling

Marilyn Budkey

jackie Scheibel

Fred Thom

John Tinkham

B1 Calvin Wheaton

B2 John Cook

B3 Larry Adams

B4 Trevor McIvor

B5 Shirley Hollman

B6 Diane Pleasance

B7 Patty Wheaton

B8 David Hodgess

M1 Anna Nelson

M2 Janet Cutler

M3 Nancy Randall

M4 Lee hollins

M5 Christine Dudek

M6 Valerie King

M7 Linda Key

M8 Deidre Horsfield

M9 Patricia King

1962 Div 1.jpg

2019 - site created by Coombs History Project

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